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Course Syllabus

Course: MUSC 1166

Division: Fine Arts, Comm, and New Media
Department: Music
Title: A Cappella Choir I

Semester Approved: Fall 2022
Five-Year Review Semester: Summer 2027
End Semester: Summer 2028

Catalog Description: This course, open to all students without audition, focuses on song, and the role that song plays in human culture. 学生将学习唱歌的基础知识,包括基本的音乐阅读技巧. In the process of preparing music for performance, 学生将研究音乐创作的历史和文化背景, 将他们演奏的音乐与音乐产生的时代和环境联系起来, and in which students now live.

General Education Requirements: Fine Arts (FA)
Semesters Offered: Fall, Spring
Credit/Time Requirement: Credit: 1-3; Lecture: 3; Lab: 0
Repeatable: Yes.

Justification学院和大学水平的音乐准备和表演通常是严格的, and must meet a high artistic standard. Students engaged in this process, by means of preparation, performance, and reflection in the form of written feedback, 体验并完成美术(FA)通识教育课程的所有成果. 指定为美术(FA)通识教育经验的课程预计将为学生提供对基本概念框架的理解, historical and cultural contexts of artistic works, and be instilled with a sensibility of the creative process. 评估将通过学生使用适合舞蹈学科的语言和方法批判性地评价创造性作品的能力来进行, music, theater, and/or the visual arts.声乐专业的学生每学期都必须参加一个合唱团,无论是在我们学校还是在转学学校. The choir credit transfers for both the major and the non-major.

General Education Outcomes:
1: 完成GE课程的学生对人类文化和自然世界有了基本的了解. Students will interact with music from various lands and cultures.

2: 完成GE课程的学生可以有效地阅读和研究学科. 学生将被要求寻找正在学习的音乐的例子和各种表演, compare the examples against one another and the CHOIR’S own performance, and be asked to cite these examples in written post-concert essays. Students will also be taught the rudiments of music-reading.

3: 完成通用电气课程的学生可以从多个学科中汲取知识来解决复杂的问题. Students will consider the influence of history, art, culture, location, and context while studying music under consideration in the course.

4: 完成GE课程的学生可以进行分析性、批判性和创造性的推理. 花时间近距离接触精心制作的音乐和诗歌将扩大每个学生对人类经验的理解. Each convincing and full-committed performance, 随着音乐会后的反思,在指定的论文形式将证明每个学生对音乐的知情反应.

5: 完成GE课程的学生可以通过写作和口语进行有效的交流. 花时间近距离接触精心制作的音乐和诗歌将扩大每个学生对人类经验的理解. Each convincing and full-committed performance, 随着音乐会后的反思,在指定的论文形式将证明每个学生对音乐的知情反应.

General Education Knowledge Area Outcomes:
1: Poetry is a crucial component in choral music. By exploring the poetry in the music, students will learn to recognize and appreciate well-crafted words, and the many ways in which fine poetry can describe the human experience. 作文题将促使学生在他们遇到的诗歌的背景下分享他们自己的想法和经历. Music is an experience present in virtually all human cultures. By exploring Art Music, and all kinds of Popular Music, 学生将学会在音乐中看到自己和他们的生活经历. The human voice is the instrument by which choral music is made. To sing well, a person must be healthy. Students will be asked to adhere to a suggested regimen of diet, sleep, exercise, and healthy social interaction.  Poetry is a crucial component in choral music. By exploring the poetry in the music, students will learn to recognize and appreciate well-crafted words, and the many ways in which fine poetry can describe the human experience. 作文题将促使学生在他们遇到的诗歌的背景下分享他们自己的想法和经历. Music is an experience present in virtually all human cultures. By exploring Art Music, and all kinds of Popular Music, 学生将学会在音乐中看到自己和他们的生活经历. The human voice is the instrument by which choral music is made. To sing well, a person must be healthy. Students will be asked to adhere to a suggested regimen of diet, sleep, exercise, and healthy social interaction.

2: 通过使用各种传统和电子媒体阅读和解释相关信息,在文化和历史背景下提供表演和/或视觉艺术的知情概要. 学生将被要求寻找正在学习的音乐的例子和各种表演, compare the examples against one another and the CHOIR’S own performance, and be asked to cite these examples in written post-concert essays. Students will also be taught the rudiments of music-reading.

3: 展示的概念和基本原则的基本理解,以创造各种形式的艺术表现. Performing Choral Music is a unique human experience, 因为它需要一个人同时整合许多技能和学科.

4: 运用适当的技巧批判性地分析艺术作品的能力, vocabulary, and methodologies. 学生被要求批判性地评价音乐和诗歌作品在他们来自的时间/地点的背景下, and the present day. 学生被要求表达他们对音乐和诗歌的观点,并探索与自然观念的任何可能联系, culture, values, ethics, and civil society.

Student Learning Outcomes:
学生将了解音乐的历史背景和风格, expressive, and formal qualities associated with the particular era of music history.  定期的小组排练将提供个人进步的反馈. Upon completion of each semester of this course, 通过音乐会的演奏,学生可以准确地演奏出导演挑选的音乐.

They will understand the textual meanings of the compositions. 学生们将试图把他们所获得的理解传达给听众.  定期的小组排练将提供个人进步的反馈. 通过音乐会的演奏,学生们能够准确地演奏出导演所选择的音乐,从而展示出对音乐的理解.

学生将能够对他们排练过的杰作作出更敏感的反应, having discussed text, dynamics, phrasing, conditions under which it was composed, and performing it to an appreciative audience.  这个结果将通过课堂讨论和期末论文进行评估.

学生将获得并运用对各种现象的文化和历史意识. 学生将增加他们的知识,所有的音乐时期和社会方面的时间,通过研究这种音乐和它的组成. They will demonstrate this increased knowledge in an essay.

Students will be able to memorize and perform selected repertoire.  学生将通过四重奏的记忆和表演准备来演示.

音乐将从音乐史上的所有时期和当前小组能力范围内的所有难度级别中选择. 通过日常练习和音乐排练,教授视唱和韵律阅读的技巧. Proper vocal techniques will be discussed and applied.

Key Performance Indicators:
学生将在每学期举行的音乐会中展示他们对选定文学作品的掌握程度.  30 to 40%

定期的小组排练将提供个人进步的反馈.  10 to 30%

四重奏将单独演唱,以确定教练的记忆和表演准备.  10 to 20%

Regular and prompt attendance 10 to 30%

Final Essay  10 to 20%

Representative Text and/or Supplies:

Pedagogy Statement:

Instructional Mediums:

Maximum Class Size: 150
Optimum Class Size: 100