
Course Syllabus

Course: FREN 1010

部门: New 部门
Title: Elementary French I

Semester Approved2021年春季
Five-Year Review Semester2026年夏季
学期结束: 2026年秋季

Catalog Description本课程介绍法语和讲法语民族的文化. It is designed for students with no previous French study. During the course, 学生通过参与要求他们在各种情况下使用法语的活动来培养基本的口语和听力沟通技巧. As a result of developing these skills, they also acquire the ability to read and write French at a basic level. Students learn to communicate about topics that are most familiar to them (e.g., 自我, 家庭, 首页, 学校, daily and recent activities), and they learn to appreciate ways of life different from their own. 这门课程是互动的,重点是学习者的参与和基本的法语会话练习.

General Education Requirements: Integrated Exploration (IE)
Semesters Offered:秋天
Credit/Time Requirement: Credit: 5; 讲座: 5; Lab: 0

先决条件: Completion of FREN 1010 with a grade of C- or better or equivalent experience.


的理由: This course is a pre-requisite for FREN 1020, 哪个符合网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行副学士学位的外语要求. It is also a prerequisite for intermediate and advanced study of the language. Students are introduced to the language, 文化, and values of French-说话 peoples, 世界上最大的语言群体之一,也是西方思想和文化的主要贡献者. 学习法语, particularly in combination with studies in other fields, 比如艺术, 音乐, 哲学, 历史, 业务, 医学, political science, 社会科学, 和技术, can provide a valuable and employable life resource.

General Education Outcomes:
1: 完成GE课程的学生对人类文化和自然世界有了基本的了解. Students complete 阅读s, 讨论, 以及其他要求他们反思多种文化并分析文化之间潜在相似性的作业. They are required to explore the basis for cultural traditions, 海关, 音乐, 和艺术, and describe similarities and differences across 文化. 学生通过课堂演讲展示法语国家文化的基本知识,包括对特定文化主题或实践的研究,以及对这些文化的一个或几个方面的描述/演示(例如.g., cooking, 音乐, games, dance, art, architecture).

2: 完成GE课程的学生可以有效地阅读和研究学科. Students are exposed to French language and francophone 文化 through video, 文本, and audio sources on the Internet and through 音乐. 他们通过结构化的在线任务展示他们阅读和解释法语文本的能力, as well as written 首页work assignments and written quizzes and exams, and subsequently evaluate its meaning and cultural significance.

3: 完成通用电气课程的学生可以从多个学科中汲取知识来解决复杂的问题. Students are introduced to perspectives different from their own and learn through 阅读s, 讨论, 以及他们自己的研究世界上其他国家和地区的人们如何以满足他们需求的独特方式解决问题. 这些经历使学生在面对复杂问题时能够借鉴国际视角. Students are assessed during in-class 讨论, on 首页work assignments, and on written quizzes and exams.

4: 完成GE课程的学生可以进行分析性、批判性和创造性的推理. Students develop critical thinking skills as they learn French, 他们必须根据自己的经验从他们接收到的听觉和视觉输入中得出线索. 学生完成口头和书面作业,展示分析和创造性地评估文化的能力, 事实, and values of francophone peoples. Students are assessed during in-class 讨论, on 首页work assignments, and on written quizzes and exams.

General Education Knowledge Area Outcomes:
1: 综合探索:学生必须每周至少三次与伙伴合作,在课堂上完成简短的法语会话练习. 这门课的最后一个项目要求学生用有效且令人信服的英语写作来分享文化知识,并反思他们的经历如何影响了他们对法语和/或法语/法语国家文化的认识和欣赏. 综合探索:学生必须每周至少三次与伙伴合作,在课堂上完成简短的法语会话练习. 这门课的最后一个项目要求学生用有效且令人信服的英语写作来分享文化知识,并反思他们的经历如何影响了他们对法语和/或法语/法语国家文化的认识和欣赏.

Student Learning Outcomes:
Interpretive Listening: Students will understand some everyday words, 短语, and questions about themselves, their personal experiences, and their surroundings, when people speak slowly and clearly or there is repetition.  学生将在课堂练习和互动中展示解释性听力技能, as well as perform oral tasks and exams.

Interpretive Reading: Students will understand familiar words, 短语, and simple sentences. Students will demonstrate interpretive 阅读 skills during in-class 阅读 exercises, on 首页work assignments, and on written exams.

Interpersonal Speaking: Students will interact with help using words, 短语, and memorized expressions. They will be able to answer simple questions on very familiar topics.  学生将通过课堂练习和互动来展示人际沟通能力, and performing oral tasks and exams.

陈述性演讲:学生将使用词汇提供关于自己和周围环境的信息, 短语, and memorized expressions. 学生将在课堂练习和互动中展示演讲技巧, class presentations, and oral tasks and exams.

陈述性写作:学生将在列表中提供一些熟悉主题的基本信息, 短语, and memorized expressions. 学生将在书面作业练习以及书面测验和测试中展示演示性写作技巧.

人际关系满意度:学生将对他们达到的沟通技巧水平表示满意.  学生将在学期评估中展示他们对法语人际交流水平的满意程度. (This outcome entails a program-level evaluation, not accessed for class credit.)

文化机会:学生将在课外寻找机会学习和体验新的文化.  学生将在学期评估中报告他们在课堂外体验新文化的课外努力. (This outcome entails a program-level evaluation, not accessed for class credit.)

Cultural Understanding: Students will demonstrate a basic knowledge of cultural traditions, 海关, and values in one or more French-说话 countries. Students will demonstrate cultural understanding during in-class presentations, 讨论, 在考试中.

法语1010中涵盖的功能包括但不限于问候之类的基本交互, asking and answering yes/no and basic information questions, describing people and things, expressing preferences, 邀请, 接受, 拒绝, making purchases, giving directions, requesting information, 告诉时间, recounting past events, interpreting basic or simplified 文本s (e.g., 日历, biographical information, 菜单, cultural information, 诗/歌曲, 地图, 广告, 电影评论, 指令, 日程安排, 网站, surveys) Vocabulary included in the course covers greetings, 学校, 首页, 家庭, 财产, 数字, 天, 个月, public buildings, 食物, 天气, 体育.Grammar structures covered in the course include sentence formation, regular and irregular verb forms in present and passé composé, 协议(e.g., subject-verb, adjective-noun), determiners, comparison.文化主题涵盖法国和其他法语国家,包括习俗和产品.g., 食物, 音乐, 运输, 购物, 例程, 体育, 消遣, 告诉时间 and scheduling) cultural perspectives, 多样性, regional identities, 和日常生活.本课程在文化课上公开讨论各种问题(见上面的主题),并在日常课程中通过代表不同种族的法语人士的图像间接地向课堂展示, 性别, sexual orientations, 能力, 等.

Key Performance Indicators:
Participation and 说话 practice 5 to 20%

首页work 5 to 20%

Quizzes 10 to 50%

Written exams 25 to 50%

Semester project / presentation 10 to 20%

Representative Text and/or Supplies:
一年级法语教材包由系选,涵盖上述课程内容, such as "Français interactif" by Kelton, Guilloteau, 和工, and "Je veux bien!" by Bragger and Rice.

Pedagogy Statement:
本课程整合了基于第二语言习得研究和交际语言教学法的多种学习活动,使学生获得多种练习听力的机会, 说话, 阅读, and writing in the L2 every day. 教师鼓励所有学生以各种方式参与,讨论教学实践,分享对他们学习或多或少有帮助的学习策略. Instructors use teaching materials that show people from a variety of backgrounds (e.g., race, ethnicity, gender, ability, class, 等.) who use the L2 for interpersonal communication 和艺术istic expression.

Instructional Mediums:



Maximum Class Size: 25
Optimum Class Size: 18