



学期批准: 2022年春季
五年制复习学期: 2026年秋季
学期结束: 2027年秋季

目录描述: This is the first semester course of a year-long sequence that is required for most biology majors, 许多预科专业, 自然资源专业和一些农业专业.
本课程介绍生物学的许多主要主题, 比如继承, 生命的多样性, 生物体的生长和反应, 以及物质和能量在生物系统中的流动. This course will foster problem solving and the application of scientific reasoning within a biological context.

信贷/时间要求: Credit: 4; 讲座: 4; Lab: 0

先决条件: It is recommended that the student will have successfully completed high school biology and chemistry.


的理由: The Biology I lecture course (BIOL 1610) and Biology I laboratory (BIOL 1615) have been designed as the first semester courses in a year-long exposure to biology as recommended by the State Biology Group. Biology II lecture (BIOL 1620) and Biology II laboratory (BIOL 1625) will constitute the second semester courses for the majors biology sequence. 这一年的生物学课程是大多数生物专业的必修课程, 许多预科专业, 自然资源专业, 还有一些农业专业的学生. 对于自然科学, science is the systematic inquiry into natural phenomena organizing and condensing those observations into testable models and hypotheses, 理论或定律. The success and credibility of science is anchored in the willingness of scientists to: 1) expose their ideas and results to independent testing and replication by other scientists which requires the complete and open exchange of data, 程序, and materials; 2) abandon or modify accepted conclusions when confronted with more complete or reliable experimental evidence. Adherence to these principles provides a mechanism for self-correction that is the foundation of the credibility of science. (Adapted from a statement by the Panel on Public Affairs of the American Physical Society which was endorsed by the Executive Board of the American Association of Physics Teachers in 1999).

1: A student who completes the GE curriculum has a fundamental knowledge of human cultures and the natural world. The primary purpose of this course is to give students a strong conceptual understanding of such biological principles as simple chemistry, 细胞结构与功能, 新陈代谢, 二分体, 有丝分裂和减数分裂, 传播基因, 生物信息流从DNA到RNA再到蛋白质(中心法则), 进化, 系统学和分类学[细菌, 原生动物, 真菌, 病毒), diversity and to show how biologists apply the scientific method to increase their knowledge about the natural world and how it influences human interactions/行为/culture. 学生可以阅读课本, 主要文学, 解决问题的练习, 完成图书馆项目, 参与课堂讨论, 并通过简答题和作文题测试他们的知识, 他们将能够展示对概念的掌握.

2: A student who completes the GE curriculum can read and research effectively within disciplines. 就像学生读课本一样, 主要文学, 完成图书馆项目, and 参与课堂讨论 他们将能够展示对概念的掌握. Students will complete at least one library project and several test essay questions over the course of the semester where students can demonstrate effective reading, 知识检索, 以及清晰的书面沟通.

3: A student who completes the GE curriculum can draw from multiple disciplines to address complex problems. 就像学生读课本一样, 主要文学, 完成图书馆项目, and 参与课堂讨论 they will be able to gather information across disciplinary topics (i.e. 数学、统计学、数据分析等.)来解决复杂的生物学问题. Students will complete at least one library project and test essay questions to demonstrate comprehension of multifaceted problems.

4: A student who completes the GE curriculum can reason analytically, critically, and creatively. Students will demonstrate scientific reasoning throughout the various topics considered in course content as they read the text and 主要文学, 尤其是他们的图书馆项目. The library project(s) and test essay questions are evaluated for analytical and critical thinking. Student's approach to answer essay questions and/or 完成图书馆项目 are open to creative licensure.

1: The primary purpose of this course is to give students a strong conceptual understanding of such biological principles as simple chemistry, 细胞结构与功能, 新陈代谢, 二分体, 有丝分裂和减数分裂, 传播基因, 生物信息流从DNA到RNA再到蛋白质(中心法则), 进化, 系统学和分类学[细菌, 原生动物, 真菌, 病毒), diversity and to show how biologists apply the scientific method to increase their knowledge about the natural world. 学生可以阅读课本, 主要文学, 解决问题的练习, 完成图书馆项目, 参与课堂讨论, 并通过简答题和作文题测试他们的知识, 他们将能够展示对概念的掌握.  The primary purpose of this course is to give students a strong conceptual understanding of such biological principles as simple chemistry, 细胞结构与功能, 新陈代谢, 二分体, 有丝分裂和减数分裂, 传播基因, 生物信息流从DNA到RNA再到蛋白质(中心法则), 进化, 系统学和分类学[细菌, 原生动物, 真菌, 病毒), diversity and to show how biologists apply the scientific method to increase their knowledge about the natural world. 学生可以阅读课本, 主要文学, 解决问题的练习, 完成图书馆项目, 参与课堂讨论, 并通过简答题和作文题测试他们的知识, 他们将能够展示对概念的掌握.

2: 展示对生物如何生存的基本理解, 成长, 对环境做出反应, 和繁殖.  学生可以阅读课本, 主要文学, 解决问题的练习, 完成图书馆项目, 参与课堂讨论, 并通过简答题和作文题测试他们的知识, 他们将能够展示对概念的掌握. Concepts include characteristics of living organisms: Sexual and asexual reproduction, 有丝分裂, 减数分裂, 细胞增殖, 新陈代谢, 信号, 中心信条.

3: 讨论生物系统中物质和能量的组织和流动.  Students will complete at least one library project and several test essay questions over the course of the semester where students can demonstrate competency of 新陈代谢, 生物能学, 焓, 酶, 和光合作用.

4: 从证据解释遗传模式, 结构统一, 适应, 以及地球上生命的多样性.  学生可以阅读课本, 主要文学, 解决问题的练习, 完成图书馆项目, 参与课堂讨论, 并通过简答题和作文题测试他们的知识, 他们将能够展示对概念的掌握. 概念包括:基因表达, 继承, 孟德尔遗传学, 大分子的特性, 突变, 群体遗传学, 以及细胞和非细胞生命的进化.

5: 描述生命科学是如何形成和被历史塑造的, 道德, 以及社会背景. 学生可以阅读课本, 主要文学, 完成图书馆项目, 并参与课堂讨论, they will gain awareness of the complexity and unique ways in which scientific discoveries were made.

课程内容将包含在教科书的阅读作业中, 施舍, 讲座及课堂讨论, 和图书馆项目. Topics covered include but are not limited to: Scientific Method; Cell Chemistry; Cell Structure and Function; Gene Action and Genetics; Natural Selection; Mechanisms of Speciation; Metabolism; Cell Cycle; Central Dogma; Systematics and Taxonomy; Microbiome; and surveys of Viruses, 细菌, 原生生物, 和真菌. Course content will include historical context of experiments that were instrumental to develop the theories behind the course topics. Scientists from any background may be highlighted as to their role in these historical experiments. Including the diverse perspectives of historical and modern scientists as well as from the students in this course are invaluable in aiding accessibility for all students to understand the complexities of life and organismal interactions.


形成性评估:在线提交,家庭作业,调查5 - 20%

图书馆项目15 - 25%

期末考试15 - 25%

Life: the Science of Biology, current edition, (Sadava, Hillis, Heller, and Berenbaum)

讲师将使用讲座, 示威活动, 讨论, 组工作, 留出参与和鼓励学习的时间.

Instructors will work to become aware of the unique experiences of all students from diverse backgrounds by creating a positive classroom environment through attitude, 预期, 行为, 了解学生的姓名/背景/身份.


最大班级人数: 48
最佳班级规模: 24