



学期批准: 2023年秋季

目录描述: The study of pathophysiology is the study of the dynamic changes in cell and organ function that occur in injury and disease. This course provides an introduction to the basic concepts of pathophysiology. The focus of this course will be the abnormal functioning of diseased 器官 as well as gross and microscopic characteristics of diseased tissue. Epidemiology and clinical manifestations are integrated throughout the course. Students will briefly explore normal cell, organ and organ system function and use this as a basis to understand how injury and disease alter normal physiology. 先决条件: BIOL 2320, BIOL 2420, CHEM 1110.

信贷/时间要求: Credit: 4; 讲座: 4; Lab: 0

先决条件: BIOL 2320, BIOL 2420, CHEM 1110. Otherwise, instructor approval is required.

的理由:生物学 2650 will prepare students in the allied health care fields to understand the dynamic changes in physiology that accompany injury and disease. Pathophysiology is a prerequisite for many programs at various state colleges and universities. BIO 2650 (Pathophysiology) will be similar to the courses offered by other Utah colleges and universities: University of Utah, NURS 2270; Southern Utah State University, BIO 2170; Weber State University, HTHSCI 2230; Westminster, 280年历史.

Knowledge of Normal PhysiologyStudents should demonstrate a deep understanding of normal human physiology, including the functions of various organ systems and how homeostasis is maintained. Students will be assessed through homework, exams, 小测验, and case studies.

Understanding of Disease ProcessesStudents should be able to explain the mechanisms underlying various disease processes including cellular and molecular changes, 炎症, 和解决. Students will be assessed through homework, exams, 小测验, and case studies.

Identification of Risk FactorsStudents should be able to identify and describe the risk factors associated with different diseases and conditions, such as genetic predisposition, 生活方式因素, and environmental influences. Students will be assessed through homework, exams, 小测验, and case studies.

Clinical ManifestationsStudents should be able to recognize and describe the clinical manifestations of different diseases. Students will be assessed through homework, exams, 小测验, and case studies.

Pathophysiological MechanismsStudents should be able to explain the pathophysiological mechanisms that lead to specific disease symptoms and outcomes. Students will be assessed through homework, exams, 小测验, and case studies.

Critical ThinkingStudents should develop critical thinking skills to analyze and evaluate complex clinical scenarios and make appropriate connections between pathophysiological concepts and patient care. Students will be assessed through homework, exams, 小测验, and case studies.

Course content will be covered through textbook reading assignments, 施舍, 讲座, 课堂讨论, 和特殊项目. Students will be assessed through tests, 小测验, 写作业, 项目, 以及课堂参与. The course will initially focus on a core of foundation material and pathophysiological processes that generally apply to cells, 组织, 器官, 以及身体的系统. The remaining 讲座 will systematically explore the patterns of disease in the body's major organ systems. As each new organ system is encountered, 讲座 will begin by briefly reviewing normal anatomy and physiology necessary to understand the following discussion of the pathophysiology of that system. A person's culture, human identity, socioeconomic status, etc., all play a part in holistic care and susceptibility to disease. Care will be taken to discuss these topics sensitively while introducing the students to the complexities of working with people outside the classroom.

Key Performance Indicators:
Students will be evaluated using the following metrics:




首页work/case studies 10 to 20%

Representative Text and/or Supplies:
Pathophysiology: Introductory Concepts and Clinical Perspectives Second Editionby Theresa Capriotti DO MSN CRNP RN

Effective teaching in pathophysiology involves disseminating knowledge and cultivating critical thinking, 同理心, and a deep understanding of the subject matter. The course will be taught using the following design principles:Inclusive Curriculum Design: the curriculum will reflect our students' diverse experiences and perspectives, 包括课程材料, 例子, and case studies representative of various demographics, 文化, 医疗保健经验. Accessible Learning Materials: all learning materials will be accessible to students with different abilities. Varied Teaching Strategies: every student has unique learning abilities. Various teaching strategies will be employed: 讲座, 小组讨论, 基于案例的学习, and multimedia presentations. Active Learning: students will be encouraged to participate in 课堂讨论, 问问题, and engage in problem-solving activities. Cultural competence: an essential piece of healthcare education. An environment where students can openly discuss cultural aspects of healthcare and disease will be fostered, ensuring that they are prepared to provide care sensitive to cultural differences.




最大班级人数: 24
最佳班级规模: 15