


Title:视觉艺术家和表演者的人类动力学(原BIOL 2150)

五年制复习学期: 2028年秋季
学期结束: 2029年秋季

目录描述: Human Dynamics for Visual Artists and Performers is designed primarily for students interested in the human figure and its form and 函数 as it relates to drawing, 绘画, 雕塑, 摄影, 跳舞, 和体育. 本课程的重点主要是肌肉骨骼系统, but includes the study of the human species at levels of organization from the atomic through the biosphere with the study of cell biology, 主要器官系统, 遗传学, 人类发展, 繁殖, 和演化. 它必须与实验室同时进行,BIOL 1455.

信贷/时间要求: Credit: 3; 讲座: 3; Lab: 0


的理由当前位置每年有六七十名新生将艺术作为他们的专业. The Visual Arts 部门 and faculty from the Dance and Athletic 部门s have requested a general education biology offering that focuses on the human form and 函数 as they apply to the fields of art and performance. 本课程满足了这一要求, 满足生命科学/实验室GE要求, and will provide students with a unique opportunity to study a wider scope of human biology from the perspective of an artist and performer. 人体形态和功能的研究, 运用科学的方法,通过观察, 自意大利文艺复兴以来一直是一种有效的学习模式. The focus on these topics will effectively prepare students who plan to take or are taking 跳舞 classes or ART 2900 Figure Drawing and ART 2620 Figure Sculpture and provide enhanced knowledge for students on human performance. This correspondence of content between art and science will provide a unique cross-disciplinary approach to the Life Science General Education curriculum. Understanding of human form and 函数 is a requisite for many majors and has applicability to graduates entering creative industries.  对于自然科学, 科学是对自然现象的系统研究, organizing and condensing those observations into testable models and hypotheses, 理论, 或法律. The success and credibility of science is anchored in the willingness of scientists to: 1) expose their ideas and results to independent testing and replication by other scientists which requires the complete and open exchange of data, procedures and material; 2) abandon or modify accepted conclusions when confronted with more complete or reliable experimental evidence. Adherence to these principles provides a mechanism for self-correction that is the foundation of credibility of science. (Adapted from a statement by the Panel on Public Affairs of the American Physical Society which was endorsed by the Executive Board of the American Association of Physics Teachers in 1999.) While properties of matter and energy in the physical sciences are common to life science, the emergent properties resulting from the complexities of life require additional study to amplify and clarify the molecular mechanisms of life.

1: A student who completes the GE curriculum has a fundamental knowledge of human cultures and the natural world. The primary purpose of this course is to give students a strong understanding of human anatomy, 它与自然世界的关系, 以及它在艺术/表演环境中的应用. 当学生从各种来源(课本)阅读材料时, 二次文献, 和主要文献), 参与课堂讨论, 并通过简答题和作文题测试他们的知识, 问题解决练习, 标准测试策略, 还有一次全面的期末考试, 他们将展示对人体解剖学及其应用的精通.

2: A student who completes the GE curriculum can read and research effectively within disciplines. Students will complete at least one library project and several test essay questions over the course of the semester where students can demonstrate effective reading, 知识检索, 以及清晰的书面沟通.

3: A student who completes the GE curriculum can draw from multiple disciplines to address complex problems. 充分探索人类形态, 函数, 生物学这门课探讨的不仅仅是生物科学, 还有社会科学和行为科学. With an emphasis on form and 函数 this course also addresses the humanities and art from a unique perspective. Students will see how scientific method is employed to aid in logically addressing complex problems which can apply inside and out of the course. 学生将通过测验、家庭作业和/或考试进行评估.

4: A student who completes the GE curriculum can reason analytically, critically, and creatively. This course will address humans and science's role in historical and contemporary issues and problems. 关于道德的讲座和讨论, 医学伦理学, 个人及社会责任, 时事有助于提高学生的推理能力. 学生将通过测验、家庭作业和/或考试进行评估.

1: Students will demonstrate the application of scientific inquiry's scientific methods and tools by actively and directly collecting analyzing the world around them and their own experiences, 解释数据, 展示研究结果, 利用信息来回答问题. 学生将通过测验、家庭作业和/或考试进行评估. Students will demonstrate the application of scientific inquiry's scientific methods and tools by actively and directly collecting analyzing the world around them and their own experiences, 解释数据, 展示研究结果, 利用信息来回答问题. 学生将通过测验、家庭作业和/或考试进行评估.

2: 展示对生物如何生存的基本理解, 成长, 对环境做出反应, 和繁殖.  本课程将包括有丝分裂等生物学概念, 减数分裂, 人类生殖, 进化, 适应, 和遗传学. Students will also be instructed on how the human form during adolescence differs from adulthood with its intrinsic and numerable variations. 学生将通过测验、家庭作业和/或考试进行评估.

3: Discuss the organization and flow of matter and energy through biological systems.  本课程将包括诸如营养级等生物学概念, 养分循环, 细胞呼吸, 营养素, 以及人类营养的基本知识. 学生将通过测验、家庭作业和/或考试进行评估.

4: 从证据解释遗传模式, 结构统一, 适应, 以及地球上生命的多样性.  本课程将包括遗传学等生物学概念, 生物学的中心法则, 进化, 人类分类学. 学生将通过测验、家庭作业和/或考试进行评估.

5: 描述生命科学是如何形成和被历史塑造的, 道德, 以及社会背景. This course explores how science and medicine were historically influenced by artists, and how social and moral factors have and continue to influence our interpretation of past events and present 道德 standards. 学生将有机会进行批判性思考, 解释数据, 评估信息, 并清楚地传达他们周围世界的生活. 学生将通过小测验进行评估, 家庭作业, 写作作业, 库项目, 和/或考试.

通过讲座, 讨论, 评估及实际应用, students will study the following topics: Science; Evolution; Ecology; Chemistry of life; Cell structure; Cell 函数; Human development and 繁殖; Body organization; Introduction to the skeletal system; Axial and appendicular skeleton and its contribution to form; Introduction to muscle anatomy and physiology; Muscles of the trunk and extremities and its contributions to form; Facial features, along with other surface features; Reproductive systems and physiology.准确地表现人类经验的变化和动态, 将努力包括来自不同文化的例子, 历史, 和信仰.

测验15 - 25%

考试55 - 65%

家庭作业 assignments, library project, study group work, illustrations, etc. 15 to 20%

Sarah Simblet, Anatomy for the Artist, current edition, Penguin Random House, DK London;

本课程将着重于高影响力的实践. 指令, 包括学生讨论, 学习活动, 项目, 以及教师主导的讲座, 会有所不同. 准确地表现人类经验的变化和动态, 将努力包括来自不同文化的例子, 历史, 和信仰. This is done to foster an environment of understanding and accepting the breadth and depth of the human experience.


最大班级人数: 24
最佳班级规模: 24