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Course Syllabus

Course: CHEM 1225

Division: Natural Science and Math
Department: Chemistry
Title: Principles of Chemistry Laboratory II

Semester Approved: Spring 2022
Five-Year Review Semester: Fall 2026
End Semester: Fall 2027

Catalog Description: This chemistry lab course is to be taken concurrently with CHEM 1220. 本课程旨在让学生体验与动力学相关的实验室实验, acid-base chemistry, qualitative analysis, electrochemistry, polymers, and introduce basic synthesis techniques and crystal field theory. (Lab fee required)

General Education Requirements: Physical Science Lab (LB)
Semesters Offered: Spring
Credit/Time Requirement: Credit: 1; Lecture: 0; Lab: 3

Prerequisites: CHEM 1210 and CHEM 1215

Corequisites: CHEM 1220

Justification这是一门标准的大一化学课程,是所有自然科学专业的必修课, Engineering or Premedical areas. 本课程教授数据收集技巧,并演示如何使用实验方法获得信息. 本课程的学生将使用CHEM 1220中所教授的化学主题来解决现实世界中的问题. 在本课程中学到的基本解决问题和实验技能在许多领域和整个生活中都是有价值的. 本课程编号为,相当于USHE院校的CHEM 1225.

General Education Outcomes:
1: 完成GE课程的学生对人类文化和自然世界有了基本的了解. 学生将被要求将课堂上涵盖的概念应用到现实世界的问题和社会状况中. 他们被要求解决与这些应用相关的计算,并根据课程中涵盖的定律解释日常生活中的现象. Some of these problems involve environmental protection, cost analysis, air and water quality, energy consumption and generation, modern medications and side effects, computer function, and space exploration. 学生将在实验报告和/或考试中展示他们的知识和能力.

2: 完成GE课程的学生可以有效地阅读和研究学科. 在整个课程中,学生将被要求通过阅读课本来吸收各种形式的数据, journal investigations and internet searches. They will also be asked to relate what they have learned via essays, calculations, and problem solving on lab reports, exams, and/or in class discussions.

3: 完成通用电气课程的学生可以从多个学科中汲取知识来解决复杂的问题. 学生将被要求在整个课程中使用写作和数学技能. Connections will be made between chemistry and the other sciences. 学生将在家庭作业、考试和/或测验中展示他们的知识和能力.

4: 完成GE课程的学生可以进行分析性、批判性和创造性的推理. This course is very math intensive. 学生将被要求在大多数家庭作业和考试中使用计算器. 这些计算问题大多是故事问题,要求学生通过推导数学方程来解释问题中的数据,并将在作业和/或测试中展示这种能力.

6: A student who completes the GE curriculum can reason quantitatively.  CHEM 1225中的大多数问题都是应用问题,不仅需要了解解决问题所需的逐步过程, but also an overall understanding of chemical principles being applied. 每一章都介绍了需要不同计算技巧来解决问题的新概念. 这些类型的问题有助于建立逻辑和批判性思维技能,这是未来在生活的各个方面解决问题和解决问题的技能所必需的. 学生将在实验报告和/或考试中展示他们的推理能力.

General Education Knowledge Area Outcomes:
1: 学生将有机会在实验活动和实验后的问题中使用他们对化学原理的新理解来解释他们在物理世界中观察到的现象. 学生将有机会在实验活动和实验后的问题中使用他们对化学原理的新理解来解释他们在物理世界中观察到的现象.

在本课程中,我们将进行与讲座中讨论的主题相对应的实验. These include: solution chemistry and colligative properties of solutions; kinetics and rates of chemical reactions; equilibrium and calculations using the law of mass action; characteristics of acids and bases and their reactions; applications of ionic equilibrium: buffers, titrations, and solubility including complex ions and crystal field theory; thermodynamics: entropy, Gibbs free energy and their relationships to equilibrium constants; electrochemistry: principles of battery formation, calculations as well as electrolysis and corrosion; radioactivity and nuclear chemistry and their applications to modern medicine; introduction to organic chemistry: several organic reactions will be discussed along with their mechanisms; introduction to biochemistry: lipids, sugars, proteins and DNA.在整个课程中,将给出化学主题的实际例子,并讨论它们如何适用于所有主题, including underrepresented populations. 课堂上的多样性是一种优势,我们致力于创造一个包容的环境,庆祝课堂社区成员的多样性. The instructor will strive to reach, support, 并尊重每一个人,这是期望课堂社区的所有成员都这样做. 我们的目标是帮助每个学生在一个没有任何形式歧视的环境中成功地学习课程内容, harassment, exploitation, and/or intimidation.

Key Performance Indicators:
学生将每周通过实验报告和预实验进行评估. Homework in the form of pre-lab exercises assigned for each lab. 考试也可能包含多项选择题、计算题和论文题.

Pre-labs and homework  20 to 40%

Lab reports and post lab assignments  40 to 60%

Tests and/or Quizzes 0 to 20%

In-Class Discussions 0 to 10%

Representative Text and/or Supplies:
Custom lab manual. Purchased at the beginning of the semester at the bookstore.

Pedagogy Statement:
Students will engage in hands-on chemical experiments. 通过鼓励学生之间以及教师和学生之间的思想和学习技巧的交流,将培养一个包容的课堂环境. Students will work through sample problems on their own, with partners or small groups, and as a class. 教师将鼓励对课程主题进行讨论和批判性思考,并欢迎学生提出问题.

Instructional Mediums:

Maximum Class Size: 24
Optimum Class Size: 20