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Snow College Distinguished Alumni Award

一年一度的荣誉,授予网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行的毕业生,激励他人优秀 通过作为榜样,并表现出重大的承诺和职业贡献, and community impact. This article can be found in the annual Snow College Magazine.

2023 Distinguished Alumni

Rhett Long

Rhett Long

A code of courage has been the guiding principle in Rhett Long’s life. This has been 这一点在瑞德的一生中是显而易见的,因为他勇敢地尝试了新的和不同的道路 succeeded!

Rhett’s journey began in Richfield, Utah, the oldest of three children. Rhett’s dad 他是一名工程师,他的工作让他的家人跑遍了美国中西部. When Rhett was 12 years old his father’s job took the family to Pinjarra, Western Australia. This was an experience that he loved. He still has six “mates” from his school days with whom he regularly keeps in contact.

当瑞德16岁回到里奇菲尔德高中时,他知道自己领先了 of his classmates. He was encouraged to take classes concurrently at the former Sevier 山谷地区职业中心,被亲切地称为“技术”,现在的雪学院里奇菲尔德. 丹尼斯·戴维斯老师在瑞德身上看到了他在工程和建筑制图方面的天赋 and Rhett began designing commercial projects where his designs won awards. Rhett 1978年同一天从里奇菲尔德高中和塞维尔谷理工学院毕业, only a few hours apart.

回想起他的时代和技术,瑞德回忆道:“梅尔和丹尼斯造就了这一切 这是一次有益的经历,而且我要告诉你,我更多地利用了我的副学士学位 in my life than anything else.”

在瑞德管理上亿美元扩张的职业生涯中,而不是 他为项目聘请了一位昂贵的建筑师,能够使用他在那里学到的东西 the Tech to draw up the blueprints himself. Rhett’s friendship with Mel Hyatt and 丹尼斯·戴维斯没有说完,他评论道:“他们一直都是好朋友 my life. They saw something in me and let me do it.” 

Rhett moved on to Southern Utah University with a full-ride golf scholarship. At SUU 他从建筑学转到了工商管理,这为他将来的职业生涯做了准备 二十年管理酒店,滑雪胜地,数百万美元的赌场,还有 thousands of employees.

1997年,在担任Park Place Entertainment地区总裁期间,Rhett是 put in charge of internet marketing for the company. He partnered with Gannett News, the largest newspaper publisher in the U.S., to advertise on their internet platform. 他就是在这里获得了他职业生涯中最耀眼的一颗星不断扩充赌场数据库 by 18 million people and generating over $1.8 billion in new revenue in a year and a half.

这时,瑞德已经不再喜欢赌场的生意了, 经营赌场的工作要求很高,工作时间很长,而且 he was ready for a change.  Meanwhile, Gannet News asked Rhett to leave Park Place to come to work for them. Information technology was in its infancy and this opportunity intimidated Rhett more than anything he had done up to that point. But in 2001 he 迈出了这一步,离开了游戏行业,成为了互联网的总裁 companies,, 101 Things to Do, and Must Do Travel at Gannett News. Remembering 在这次经历中,瑞德建议说:“永远不要害怕工作太大,或者你做不到 do it.” 

在他职业生涯的末期,瑞德又一次跨越式地成为了一名新闻记者. 他花了四年时间在犹他州南部出版了《网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行》,后来又出版了 Provo Daily Herald.

Rhett has spent countless hours giving back to his communities. While living in Reno, 他开始在各种委员会做志愿者,包括里诺市中心发展委员会 reclaiming the run-down Truckee River. As an avid golfer, he helped start the PGA 里诺-太浩公开赛,一直持续到今天,筹集了数百万美元的资金 the community.

瑞德由五个孩子和四个孙子抚养,他深爱着他们 spending time. He and his wife Suzie, a Speech and Language Technician, currently 居住在犹他州的北奥格登,在那里他喜欢做一个支持他的丈夫和父亲, golfing, and putting 100% of his efforts toward giving back.

当他回顾自己的一生时,瑞德说:“我总是说,做瑞德很有趣, it really has. I’ve always seemed to be in the right place at the right time, I’ve worked with the greatest people and the legends of Las Vegas. I’ve had such a great life, it’s been amazing.”

We are honored to recognize Rhett as the 2023 Snow College Distinguished Alumnus.

Gary and Janet Carlston

Gary and Janet Carlston

在他们的一生中,加里和珍妮特·卡尔斯顿激励着其他人去梦想,去学习, do, and become more. Their professional careers culminated as leaders of Snow College nearly 45 years after they met on campus as students. 

Gary and Janet were involved as student leaders while attending Snow. Gary served 是后期圣徒学生会主席,珍妮特是公共关系部 Student Body Officer. Despite demanding schedules, they found time to spend with each other. Their friendship evolved into courtship, and the happy, busy couple married in December 1969. 

As newlyweds, they rented a small apartment in Ephraim. They cherish the relationships they developed with professors, classmates, and peers while at Snow. Janet and her 网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行的室友们仍然每年聚会一次,在那里举行为期一周的聚会 they reminisce and reconnect. Gary enjoyed every one of his teachers and remarked that he never had a “bad professor” while at Snow.

Gary and Janet both chose education as their profession. After graduating from Snow, 珍妮特在犹他州立大学完成了她的基础教育学位,然后花了 time at home raising their four children before she began her 22-year career as a first-grade teacher.

Gary spent his entire career in both public and higher education. After graduating 从网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行获得副学士学位,从犹他州立大学获得学士学位 他获得了教育学学士和硕士学位,并在杨百翰大学完成了博士学位 University in Educational Administration.

加里和珍妮特都有杰出的职业生涯,并获得了许多荣誉 their professional accomplishments. After retiring, the Carlstons served a mission 为新西兰耶稣基督后期圣徒教会筹款,并前往新西兰 the South Pacific to work with the church schools. They have both spent countless hours volunteering for their church and in their communities.

2014年1月,卡尔斯顿夫妇接到了另一个要求他们离开的电话 他们退休后回到网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行担任高层领导,同时进行搜索 committee filled a vacant presidency. In an unprecedented move, the “interim” title was removed without a full search by the review team. Together, the Carlstons led Snow College until they chose to retire (for a second time!) in 2019. Years after 尽管退休了,但员工们仍然对嘉士顿父子寄予厚望, stakeholders, and community members.

卡尔斯顿很快就会指出,这是管理层的集体努力, 为学院的成功做出贡献的教职员工和受托人 tenure. 在他们的管理下,学院实现了“一个机构”的目标 有两个校区,“格雷厄姆科学中心和伯格森体育中心建成 还有塞维尔谷中心的10间教室和一个健身中心 on the Richfield Campus.

The Carlstons consistently prioritized people over projects in their approach. Through 他们安静、善良、始终如一的方式建立了关系,并巩固了关系 institutional reputation.

They both believe that family is their greatest accomplishment. Here, as in all their life ventures, Gary and Janet have been a team. Family time is an enjoyment and priority 对卡尔斯顿夫妇来说,这一点在他们与孩子之间的牢固纽带中显而易见, grandchildren, and siblings.  

The phrase “Spirit of Snow” became a defining theme of their presidency. The Carlstons 谈论关怀,接受和支持的精神的学院,一个地方在哪里 人和关系很重要,一段充满牺牲和服务的历史 from visionary founders. They said, “We were introduced to that special Snow feeling 当我们还是学生的时候,以及当我们多年后回来领导的时候—— Snow’ completely wrapped around us. We felt it in so many ways.”

卡尔斯顿夫妇回忆道:“这两个来自美景镇和费伦的孩子之所以改变,是因为 of the people at Snow College.” Years later, they changed the people at Snow College and left a legacy as leaders of their alma mater. 

加里是网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行的第一位校友,也是桑皮特县本地人 president. That Badger blood runs deep and is still evident in the “Snow Room” filled 在他们位于卡什谷的家中有网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行的纪念品,他们俩都很激动 share as they talk about their Snow College. They say, “We love this college. It has maintained a solid hold on our hearts since we began as students.”

我们也很喜欢卡尔斯顿,很荣幸能将他们评为2023年杰出人物 Alumni.

Past Recipients

Brent Thorne
Neal Cox
Daniel Maynes
Sampei "Sam" Nakao
Jack Anderson
John "Jeb" Branin
Boyd Beck, Ph.D.
Maria O'Mara


Randy Kay Cox

Ted and Vickie Olson


Justin Osmond

Charles Pugh


Theressa Alder

Dr. Daniel M. Witt


James Tatton, M.D.

Frank Weaver


Eddie Cox

Bart Nelson


Yvonne Whitmore

Gordon Christensen *


Verla Sorensen

Mitchell Palmer


Lee R. and Joy Barton

Kay and Becky Barton

Lisa and Karl Anderson


Mark and LeAnn Stoddard

Leonard and Laura Blackham


Richard Ray Olson

Norma Stubbs Olson

Cary Peterson

Ranee Peterson


Douglas P. Peterson *

Izola Blackham *

Perry Blackham *


Gene Bertelson *

Betty Wing Bertelson

Roland Christensen

Roland Roger Johnson

LaRue Tucker Johnson *


Ronald R. Giles

Larry G. Nielson

Stephen Paul Taylor


Dr. Byron Gassman

Renee Jones Gassman *

Glen P. Peel

Gordon Lee Peterson

Kent Thompson *


Leonard M. Blackham

Dr. Bert Gividen

Val Greaves Gividen

Jerry D. Pulsipher


Robert Anderson

Heber Horrace Hall *

Jerry J. Ohrn

Glenda Rigby Staker *

Robert Warnick

Carol Warnick


Jay F. Gardner *

Dee C. Hansen

Ruth Pickett Ross *

Royal C. Whitlock *


Eunice Alder *

Reed Braithwaite *

James E. Hansen *

Gary Myrup

Morris Sorenson *


Hoyt Anderson *

Doug Barton

Floyd Breinholt *

Boyd Grant

Calvert Therald Larsen

Mary Peacock

Arthur Willardsen *


Wilber Braithwaite *

Byrl Brown Dorland *

Dr. Afton Hansen

Charles (Chuck) Hyer

Arthur Nielsen *

Dr. Wanda Robertson *

Maurine Scott*


Phillip C. Anderson *

Therald N. Jensen *


Clair R. Acord *

Royal N. Allred *

Miles A. Anderson *

David M. Archer

Gerald M. Armstrong

Royal A. Bagely *

Donald k. Barton *

Max H. Blain *

Royden C. Braithwaite *

Harden W. Brienholt *

Perry Christensen

Edward L. Christensen *

Kent Christensen *

Lavaun Cox *

Wilbur W. Cox *

Helen Bailey Dyreng *

Gerald L. Ericksen *

Mcloyd Ericksen *

Dewey J. Fillis*

Duane A. Frandsen *

Kay L. Frischknecht *

Glen K. Goodwin *

Robert M. Graham

Mark J. Howard

Ferral D. Huntsman

Elaine Allred Jarrett

Arlo Jensen

Doris Nielson Larsen *

Glen S. Larson *

Nolan F. Mangelson

Sammy N. Newton *

Richard R. Olsen

Rulon P. Peterson *

Zella C. Poulson *

Ellis T. Rasmussen *

Roy Reid *

Darell H. Stewart *

Grant N. Stubbs

Lee R. Thompson *

Peter Thompson *

Twain C. Tippetts *

Michael Watson

Kay Keeler Willardson

Gene R. Yardley

Recognitions Prior to 1987

Jack C. Alder *

Glen A. Allred *

Ruel A. Allred

Wallace E. Allred

Blaine E. Anderson *

Curtis J. Armstrong *

Melba K. Armstrong *

Milton G. Armstrong *

Glen Kenneth Bailey

Zella Anderson Bassett

Woodrow W. Beck *

Hugh V. Bird *

Reed W. Brinton

Calvin Reed Brown *

Royal Lee Brown *

Gary L. Carlston

Michael R. Carlston

Shirley Anderson Cazier *

Douglas Fred Christensen

James Boyd Christensen *

Mac Christensen

Morlin E. Cox *

Lavon Day

Esther Coombs Durfey *

Paul P. Dyreng

Alma S. Edwards *

Kent Evans *

Lillian Win Fjeldsted *

Clair E. Frischknecht *

John K. Frischknecht

John Boyd Grant

Don Rue Hickman *

Bliss Harmer

Arlea Hope Howell *

Berdean H. Jarman

Joseph A. Jenkins

Larue Paulsen Jennings *

Lawrell Jensen *

Moroni L. Jensen *

Harold E. Johnson *

Arlyn R. Madsen *

Joan Stevens Mcallister

Dorothy Jensen Mclaughlin *

Elwin N. Mikkelson *

Alta Gassman Moffitt *

Gwen Tuttle Monroe *

Francis N. Mortenson *

Roger H. Nelson

Keith C. Nielsen

LaRue M. Nielson *

John Anthon Olsen

Eva Olsen Peterson *

Merritt L. Poulson *

Darol B. Rasmussen *

Thora Jensen Rasmussen *

Jewell Rasmussen *

Victor J. Rasmussen *

Elder Rex C. Reeve *

Howard T. Reid *

Clair E. Rosenberg *

Maurine Thomson Scott *

George Sterling Spencer

Lamar H. Stewart *

Dorothy Jensen Stoddard *

Glen R. Stubbs

Lagrande H. Terry *

Ralph D. Thomson *

Lyman S. Willardson *

Ethelyn Taylor *

LaVerl Christensen *

Ralph Blackham *

Marjorie Madsen Riley *

George Staples *