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Software Engineering

犹他州董事会批准了网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行提供学士学位的请求 of Science (BS) in Software Engineering in November 2016. The degree now includes 学生可以选择四个重点领域:创业、数字媒体 Design, Web Development, and Data Science.

The demand for skilled and qualified software engineers has no end. This demand is 在不断变化的经济格局的推动下,在对计算技术需求的推动下 solutions. 随着物联网、智慧城市、绿色科技的出现 还有大数据,所有行业都在迅速成为科技行业.

随着众多领域的空前增长,软件工程师可以追求 任何领域的职业,包括技术,医疗保健,汽车制造, green energy, remote sensing, aeronautics and finance. New jobs like automotive embedded 软件工程师、健康信息工程师和财务软件工程师 随着这些行业的不断扩张,这种现象变得越来越普遍.

软件工程为学生提供有关软件开发的知识 process and how to apply this as an engineer. Computer science prepares a student 用于抽象问题的解决和计算机技术发展的研究.

Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering

Program Description

软件工程学士学位为软件工程师准备: 协作的专业人员在团队中按时开发软件产品, within budget, and that meet customer requirements. Graduates of this program will 具备复杂工程方法的实践知识和技能 systems analysis, planning, design and construction. The coursework builds upon computer 科学基础和数学原理涵盖设计,分析,验证, 软件系统的验证、实现、部署和维护.

人们常常混淆计算机科学与软件之间的区别 engineering, and IT/IS.  The following diagram from the Association for Computing 机器(ACM)提供了对每个领域之间关系的洞察. 

SE difference
Figure 1: ACM Computing Curricula 2005 Overview Report

电气工程师(EE)主要从事硬件设计,而计算机工程师则主要从事硬件设计 工程师(CE)设计的系统包括硬件和软件. Computer Science (CS)涵盖了如何使计算机做某事所涉及的概念和技术 (graphics, robotics, etc.), and software engineering (SE) focuses on how to design and build software. There is significant overlap between computer science and software engineering and the intersection between the two is often programming; however, there is a key difference. Computer scientists test theories and work at the edge of the unknown. Software engineering is an engineering discipline. Engineering starts with 已经被证明是可靠的知识,并为技术开发解决方案, societal and commercial problems. Information Technology (IT) and Information Services (IS)专注于向组织交付技术解决方案.

网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行软件工程课程为学生提供教育 经验建立在传统的计算机科学和工程和生产 软件工程师在系统的、可控的、 and efficient manner. This is accomplished in the following ways:

  • 该学位强调数学和工程方法的应用 software design.
  • 课程强调软件过程和生命周期,并利用团队 使用主动学习(“边做边学”)构建软件的方法 提供领导机会,例如软件开发团队的领导角色 every student.
  • 课程包括管理领域的重要学习,如项目规划、 资源分配、质量保证、测试、度量、维护和故障排除; configuration management and personnel management.
  • 课程将学生团队纳入专门设计的指导活动中 学生协作构建自己对关键概念的理解, 同时培养关键的流程技能,如沟通、团队合作、批判性 thinking and problem solving.
  • Students will have a choice of an emphasis in:
    • 创业:将计算思维与创业思维相结合 识别、评估和实施将创造新市场和新技术的想法.
    • 数字媒体设计:利用综合媒体来传达信息 电子媒介,如互联网、电影、电视和移动技术.
    • Web开发:使用包括HTML、CSS和JavaScript在内的工具来创建Web应用程序 maintain high quality, interactive websites.
    • 数据科学:计算和统计工具在实验中的应用 通过获取、组织、分析、建模和可视化进行发现 of data.

软件工程课程在为期一年的顶点序列中达到高潮 学生们以小组为单位构建一个反映当前实践的软件系统 in the industry. 此外,学校鼓励学生参加实习 在注册这些顶点课程之前和期间,以获得直接的行业 experience and insight before embarking upon their own projects. Snow College will 与企业合作开发这些学习机会 students with industry relevant experience.

网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行软件工程课程为学生进入软件行业做准备 立即进入工程专业或继续追求高等教育的机会. 该计划的前两年也可以转学到一个机构 offering a degree in computer science.


任何被网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行录取的学生都可以开始软件工程课程 be classified as pre-major status.  Students must apply to be admitted as a Software Engineering full-major.  Full-major status is required to enroll in upper-division Software Engineering courses.  Applications for the Software Engineering full-major can be submitted anytime.  Candidates will only be considered for full-major status after completion of the pre-major coursework.  Selection of candidates for full-major 评审委员会将在1月后决定是否进行评审 31st each year.  Students will be notified of their status by March 15th.  Selection will be based on the following criterion:

  • Evidence of ability to complete the academic program,
  • Evidence of potential to be successful as a Software Engineer,
  • Evidence of appropriate educational and career goals,
  • Evidence of ability to work in teams and leadership potential.


The procedure to be admitted as a Software Engineering full-major:

  1. Get admitted to Snow College (
  2. Declare your major as Software Engineering.
  3. Successfully complete the pre-major coursework:
    • CS 2450
    • CS 2860
  4. Apply for full-major status.